Print Mission

Storm Print City began in 2008 with Russell Muits’ spontaneous idea to create a relief print from a utility cover, sparking a global journey of exploration, documentation, and printing in over 75 cities. What started as a solo project has since evolved into a collective of artists and visionaries. Together, we focus on community-driven, hyper-local art installations that celebrate the unique history and design found beneath our feet.

Our innovative approach transforms overlooked objects into customized works of art that:

  • Uncover, expose, and celebrate local industry rich in art and industrial history.
  • Tell a story, share a message, or highlight local landmarks.
  • Encourage viewers to learn or explore more about the neighborhood.
  • Make the world around you more beautiful.

About Russell

Russell is an artist, designer, and the creator of street printing. Since making his first print in 2005, he has made art on location in over 75 cities around the world. His latest mixed media works evolve over time and place using elements and bits of found designs to create larger compositions.